
Unlike the rest of the known world, I won’t write anything on the iPad. Yet. Instead, I’m still in the process of writing the upcoming parts of my Popurls Clone series and as per usual, it takes a lot more time than expected. In combination with a massive amount of bills, life is good! As it turns out, you actually need to “work” in order to get “money”. How, when and why did we agree upon that? That’s just as stupid as, say, doing a fully animated Star Wars prequel/sequel to take place during the Clone Wars. Oh, wait… While pondering life’s great mysteries, such as how you can evade paying your bills, I felt it was time to write something about databases. You see the connection, right? Good, because I don’t. A quick Google search for MySQL rendered roughly 117 million results so I figured that another article about it would be kinda superfluous. A search for MongoDB on the other hand resulted in “only” 1,2 million results. Much better. That means that if and when this article gets indexed by the Google, it will constitute no less than ~ 8.33 × 10-7 % of the relevant search results, in stark contrast to the ~ 5.88 × 10-9 %, should I’ve written some stuff about MySQL. Goodie! In short, this article will cover MongoDB and how you can use it with PHP. Good times ahead so if you’re a killjoy, you’re not welcome.




Ctrl-A 用于将光标定位到本行最前面,相当于编辑器中用HOME键

Ctrl-E 即将光标移动到本行末尾,相当于End键

Ctrl-B 用于将光标向左移动一格,相当于左箭头键

Ctrl-F 用于将光标向右移动一格,相当于右箭头键

Ctrl-D 即删除光标所在处的字符,相当于Del键

Ctrl-K 用于删除从光标处开始到结尾处的所有字符

Ctrl-L 清屏,相当于clear命令

Ctrl-R 进入历史命令查找状态,然后你输入几个关键字符,就可以找到你使用过的命令


奥坎氏简化论,又称奥卡姆剃刀(Occam’s Razor, Ockham’s Razor),是由14世纪逻辑学家、圣方济各会修士奥卡姆的威廉(William of Occam)提出的一个原理。奥卡姆(Ockham)在英格兰的萨里郡,那是他出生的地方。

这个原理称为“如无必要,勿增实体”(Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily)。有时为了显示其权威性,人们也使用它原始的拉丁文形式:

_Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate.

Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora.

Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem._





Technology Stack: Golang/PHP/Openresty, and so on…

Web Development Engineer

Beijing China